Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Accomplishments!

Well...for being my day off....I actually was busy alllllll day!  Cleaned out the fridge, did laundry, went to work to cut 2 customers' hair!  Had to clean the fridge at work too, because when I openned it to get my flavored creamer out it STUNK!!  (Not my creamer, but the fridge.)  SO.....while waiting on my first lady I did that!  Then went to Kohl's to return towels my Mom bought here back in July!!!  I brought them back with me last weekend!  They do not have a Kohl's in Savannah.  She had washed them before putting them in the linen closet and they ended up with "pills" all over them.   Kohl's takes anything back!  Thank Goodness.  Then had my favorite lunch..taco salad from Taco Bell (which I ate in my car because I wasn't finished running errands!)  Next, I went Krogering.  Oh, I forgot to mention my wonderfully, relaxing, pedicure I had before going shopping.  That was the best part of the whole day.  I bought a deep fryer at Kohl's so Todd and I just finished eating the french fries and fried fish (from his summer's deep sea fishing trip).  It was delicious but now my downstairs smells like fried oil!  The cat was begging for some fish the whole time we ate!  Oh....Sunday I did make some of the cute little coasters like Traci from "Beneath My Heart" showed on her blog.  I tried using three different materials for them.   Polka dotted bags, napkins and the best of all was the snowflake tissue paper!  I didn't get the cork on them yet!    Here's a pic so far....

Well...Todd's waiting for me to watch "House"!  Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!


Ticking and Toile said...

Hi Judy,
Thanks so much for coming by my blog! I know...don't you totally love the first pic of the farmhouse stairs (all blue) ? I know it would be a hard sell to the hubbys huh? :)
I so love your new mantel! It looks gorgeous!!


thatgirl700 said...

Those are so pretty!!!